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TGC write up for 19 th – 23 rd Mar.
Steve Ellison
Doc makes it rock!
Monday 19 th – Green Valley – Stableford – White Tees
T-1 st – Peter LeNoury - 40 points
T-1 st – Peter Thomas - 40 points
3 rd – Bob Catlow - 38 points
4 th – Nat Meesuk - 35 points
I will always give credit where credit is due and the course condition
here at Green Valley is quite superb. In fact, it has been great for
months now, so our regular Monday venue is certainly living up to
her reputation. Today, we had to squeeze in 30 golfers!
The locals had an edge on the tourists today as Messrs.’ Le Noury
and Thomas matched blows to a dead heat 40 point round. Bob
Catlow pounced on third place while TGC’s own Nat Meesuk counted
35 on the card to just get in the money. Zed Belogavec took the near
pin and his birdie earned a drink from the scribe (boo hoo).
Tuesday 20 th - Khao Kheow – Stableford – Yellow Tees
1 st – Doc Beard - 38 points
2 nd – Mark Wood - 36 points
3 rd – Kenny Aihara - 35 points
Another full sign-up sheet for Khao Kheow, in fact we had to get
another to make 6 times and 24 golfers here today. It is a great
course and in great condition so with a 950 baht green fee it will
always be in high demand.
We don’t know what got into Doc Beard today, but he played like a
house on fire! Fending off Mark Wood and Kenny Aihara is no easy
task but Doc seemed to take it all in stride. Last week Doc had a win
here at Khao Kheow so it looks like the beginning of a beautiful
Thursday 22 nd – Bangpakong Riverside – Stableford – White Tees
1 st – Steve Gamble - 41 points
2 nd – Mitch Black - 40 points
T-3 rd – Kenny Aihara - 39 points
T-3 rd – Franjo Blazevic - 39 points
There were some great comments about this course and how
beautiful the condition was. The superb clubhouse also got rave
reviews and requests to put B.R. back on the TGC playlist shall be
fulfilled. We shall return!
We timed it to exactly one hour from home base so really not so bad
at all. It was surprising how good the scoring was for a track that
most had never played. Being essentially a “Bangkok” course you
must expect a pretty flat track, like those you would find in Florida.
Steve Gamble stole the show today and 41 points was great going on
this course.
Friday 23 rd – Silky Oaks – Stableford – White Tees
1 st – Franjo Blazevic - 40 points
2 nd – Thierry Danzas - 34 points
T-3 rd – Dan Dietz - 32 points
T-3 rd – Pierre Gymer - 32 points
I don’t know if it was the threat of rain, or rumours of the condition
of this course that only netted 9 golfers here today! Frankly, we have
never seen this course in such bad shape and it will be many months
before we return. There is a type of crabgrass that appears to have
taken over the fairways and the greens had lumps and bumps.
None of that seemed to bother Franjo who racked up an impressive
40 point tally today. Next week he starts his journey into the Senior
Asian Tour so best of luck to him on his quest!
Thierry Danzas turned in a fine 34 and Pierre Gymer claimed the
Caddy Smile near pin as well as a tie for third with Dan Dietz.
Alas, we sadly say au revoir to Dandy Dr. Dan Dietz who (tearfully)
heads home after this final round. It has been great to have Dan on
the team, so see you next year falang!
The Golf Club is “The Home of Golf in Pattaya” and located in the Heart of
Pattaya on Soi L.K. Metro. We broadcast all PGA, EPL, UFC, NFL, MLB and NHL
games live. Our kitchen is open from 07:00-22:30 with our famous Steak Night
B.B.Q. on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Just call 085 434 3377 or
see our website and for more information mail us: and see updates at all handicaps welcome.
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