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November 2016 PAGS Tournament from Phoenix

Category: Pattaya Amateur Golf Series

November 2016 PAGS Tournament from Phoenix

Jack Leads the Way to Low Gross

157 players, including 7 ladies, made the journey this month to the Phoenix course, where we played the Lakes  & Ocean combination.  Although the weather was warm, there was a steady breeze to keep it from being too oppressive, with the groups progressing at a steady pace.  We played from the white tee markers today and while some were forward, there were others playing their full length, plus a bit.  The course was the same challenge for all and good scores were not easy to make, save for a few golfers. 

The past 2 months has seen outstanding performances for the tournament Low Gross, and while Jack Grinvold was a little off those scores, his 76 was the best of this day.  His score also got him 2nd place on countback over Dennis Steele (12) 19/17 after both signed for 36 points.  Daniel Grob (10) led the way in the premier flight with 37 points, to go with his technical prize from the 15th

The C flight had the best scores of the day, with Donal McGuigan leading the way with 42 points, with Laurie Dixon (29) gaining 2nd spot with a solid 40 points.  Kenny Chung picked up the bronze medal position, with him recording 39 points. 

The B flight, for handicaps 14 - 19, was tightly contested, with all placegetters separated by a series of countbacks, which required assistance from Einstein for final results, after 38 points proved a popular score.  Without sensory overload by figures, it was Per Forsberg (16) on the top spot, while Henry Anderson (18) got the silver.  Third spot went to Jukka Kangas (17) , while Lee Adams was the unlucky player to miss out on the prizes. 

The Ladies clear winner on 37 points was Suwana Kerjaleon (17)

Other than Jack and Daniel who picked up a brace of prizes, Jerry Langer was the only 2 time visitor to the podium, picking up a long putt and a long drive.

Dave was at it again, who with his capable staff on the BBQ, kept the large number of attendees well satisfied with their tasty selection of tucker for the night.  Next tournament on Tuesday 20 December at Phoenix, sees the culmination of another highly successful Pattaya Amateur Golf Series, so get your preferred timeslot by booking with Shane on 0863720084.

Birdie - Golf Courses in Thailand BIRDIE Team Saturday, 3rd December at 02:36 PM


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